Tebpes Odyssey

Tebpes Odyssey
Hello everyone! I'm a passionate gamer and writer. Since high schools when I was introduced to Palladium Books Robotic and vivid collector of Fasa Mechwarrior (BattleTech), I've been a huge fan of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 D20 and have been playing it for more than 21 years now. In addition to being an avid player, I'm also an author and game master who looking at written several game models and short stories based on the game.
Website: https://ko-fi.com/tebpesodyssey
Sales: Tepes Odyssey Team
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Hello everyone! I'm a passionate gamer and writer. Since high schools when I was introduced to Palladium Books Robotic and vivid collector of Fasa Mechwarrior (BattleTech), I've been a huge fan of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 D20 and have been playing it for more than 21 years now. In addition to being an avid player, I'm also an author and game master who looking at written several game models and short stories based on the game.
Website: https://ko-fi.com/tebpesodyssey
Sales: Tepes Odyssey Team
Parts Manager:
Assistant Part Manager:
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Listing added on: 06/01/23 , Total hits: 1837